Manual programming tyt th-9000
Manual programming tyt th-9000

manual programming tyt th-9000

obviously an indication that the base logic for their three monoband VHF/UHF radios is predicated on the 2m version. On initial startup the pre-programmed offset is 600 khz. Presuming this to be the case and that the likelihood that someone at TYT might give this a look as well I can now state specifically what went wrong my particular TH-9000 it no longer recognized any change to the programmed repeater offset. Not one to put much stock in coincidence I can thus conclude that someone with the ability to make the change took my none too subtle hint. This TYT abomination is what others and now myself are calling "Chinese junk".īy way of an adjunct to the above.since the appearance of this review a couple of days back there is now to be found on the internet a legible, carefully produced upload of the manual. Thus the absence of availability of decent radios is the reason so few of us are on the band. It seems like the old chicken or egg which came first conundrum relatively few amateurs are on 220 mhz.


On the plus side the radio was fairly inexpensive so the year or two I got out of it I suppose justified its cost.maybe.


One need only to download the manual or look at the box in which the TH-9000 arrives to get an idea of the lack of quality control and overt cheapness of this and presumably other TYT radios the internet viewed manual was poorly and thoughtlessly photocopied (blurred slanted images) while the box in which this unit arrives is the company's generic box for their three VHF/UHF radios, distinguishable only by a small label indicating which one is in a given box. I'm fortunate in that I'm able to access VHF/UHF machines in four nearby states with high gain verticals so even at 25w I don't anticipate any problems. made for HTs which I can likely drive QRP from the Alinco and hopefully get 50 or so watts output.


I spent 11 hours yesterday assuming that perhaps the fault lay with me rather than the radio but after initiating four full factory resets and experiencing the same results it was incontrovertible that the radio had gone south at which point I ordered the Alinco 235 and will content myself with 25w max output though there is a 220 amp. Yesterday after receiving the latest repeater directory I attempted to enter some newly listed 220 machines at which point the radio went haywire menu settings not remaining as set, loss of settings when switching between VFO and memory mode.etc. Nevertheless I learned to live with these issues as the availability of non Chinese made 220 mobile/base radios seems to be limited to Alinco's DR-235, the radio I should have opted for at first and would have had it not been for its meager 25w output. The volume level control makes an odd scratching sound when adjusted which is something I believe other reviewers have pointed out. The TYT manual borders on being virtually incomprehensible requiring a crash course in Berlitz to adequately decipher. My TS-990 is easier to navigate without reading. When I ultimately got the radio on the air I was astonished at how completely unintuitive it is top and front panel buttons give no indication whatsoever as to what their respective functions are necessitating my having had to make a written cheat sheet. Irritating in view of them having been the seller but it beat the hell out of trying to contact TYT directly. at which point upon receiving the defective original back would issue a refund. Parenthetically Amazon whom I contacted for a replacement insisted that I first buy another mic. The first hint received indicating that I made a monumental mistake was a defective DTMF pad on the microphone with one row of four buttons totally unresponsive. Having relieved myself of the BridgeCom my home based 220 activity was confined to the TYT my first and most definitely last foray into the world of Chinese made radios. Full scale signals on the TYT were not more than 1/2 to 1/3 strength on the BridgeCom. Rather than choosing to believe that I got the one bad one I purchased the TYT-9000 and with an antenna switch ran side by side comparisons. Mine however was clearly problematic, receive sensitivity was terrible. Initially having had my suspicions regarding Chinese made radios I opted for BridgeCom's 220 mobile radio predicated solely on its uniformly excellent reviews here.

manual programming tyt th-9000

I've had this radio for a couple of years and having been reasonably contented with it declined to write a positive review you don't learn much from positive fawning reviews. Ultimately proves itself to be everything I had suspected

Manual programming tyt th-9000